10 thoughts on “It’s Broken……

  1. Oh Julie, I am so sorry to hear this. How long do broken arms take to heal? Not long, I hope. That’s a mighty beautiful caterpillar scarf you have hanging there, such cheerful colors. I am hoping the pattern I sent you arrived. Are you able to work on your dress for Emily’s wedding? Is there anything I can do to help? Sending lots of healing energy to you, love and hugs. Sheri xox

    • Thanks Sheri,
      I was told it takes about 6 weeks. So will miss another week of work, after that I will try and go in. Might have to have somebody drive me to Jerome, since I have a stick shift.
      I meant to write and thank you for the pattern!! And the nice garments to eco print!! I guess I got a bit distracted 🙂 Sorry!
      Once I’m back to normal I’ll have a blast with them! Thank you!
      No…. no working on my dress for the wedding…. but it’s not until September 22nd. I will get it done!!!
      love you!

  2. broken arm will healing….send you a lot of good vibration from Aphroditi’s shore!We looking here very much forward to the masterclass with VILTE and IRIT Dulman…will be a very hot week…best wishes to yoy,love your blog.

    • That class is going to be amazing!! Anyone fortunate to attend will be transformed!!
      True…. the broken arm will heal. Maybe this will finally teach me some patience 🙂
      Thank you for saying that you enjoy my blog…..
      Enjoy the workshop!!!!!!!!

  3. Sad to hear you’re forced to a pretty long stop, Julie! Good time to deepen plans on new projects and works, maybe?
    Hope you’ll get well soon.

    • Thanks!
      Yes…. lots of time to think of new ideas.
      Just the other day I was wondering, as I was soaking my arm, if Epsom Salts would change the color of eco prints….. something to try out someday! 🙂

      • Too funny!! I look at leaves at dream of new colors. You take therapy and think of new chemical opportunities!! Sorry about your arm. I enjoy your colors…lovely and bright!

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